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Quick Sciatica Relief

“Welcome right now I’m going to take you through a series of movements and exercises that will help provide fast relief for any sciatica issues. Okay. We’re going to start off with a couple exercises that are going to be to warm up, getting blood flow, nutrients and oxygen to the area and then move on to some specific exercises that will help the nerve break free of any scar tissue or anything that’s impinging on your sciatica nerve. Okay, so what we’re gonna do now is what’s called the Cat-Camel. And we’re going to start with just by moving the lower back, right? And this is called pelvic tilting. So we’re going from anterior pelvic tilt to posterior pelvic tilt. And this is just allowing us to move the joints, the vertebrae, and just get blood flow and oxygen and just doing the moving actually helps with getting nutrients to that area. All right, so now after we’ve done a few of those, we’re gonna start to move to the mid back and you start to see the mid back push up a little bit more. And this is actually a beautiful stretch for the whole spine. And you’ll see once we start to get to the end of this and remember consistent breathing is very important. You get more oxygen in. So now we’re going to move up a little bit further up the spine.


We’re going to start the whole bit at the top and then you tuck the chin. You’re going to start to see my whole spine getting a good stretch here. Exhale at the top, a little push down with your arms. So reach up. Think about your mid back and spine trying to reach the ceiling. You’re going to hold it here. Okay now we’re going down and deep and all the way up extended, and we’re going to do one more rep. So back down last one, all right. So that movement would have gotten your whole spine and now we’re going to get to another important aspect for mobility. We just mobilize the spine. Now we want to mobilize the hips. So if you’ve done the back program before, Back Pain Relief4Life, you’ve probably done a Single Frog Leg. So make sure you’re using your elbows to take stress off the lower back. And the single frog leg is going to be pulling the knee into the chest, circling out to the side and then moving forward. Very slight easy movements cause we’re not fully warmed up now, so we’re just going to ease into it. As we begin to feel the hip mobilize, we’re going to go a little bit bigger circles and we’re going to pull the knee back just a little bit further and again, focus on your breathing. Notice how I’m keeping my foot close to the inner thigh and not kicking out. So I’m keeping it close to the inner thigh, and pushing out a little bit further each time you might feel stretching on the inner thigh. Feel your glute activating and keep your abs nice and tight. All right, let’s do a couple more.

Good and switch. If you hear some cracking and popping that’s okay. It’s more scar tissue and the joints are just finding some more room and we’re going to lubricating the hips. And remember the hips are directly connected with lower back pain. What happens is the hips become stable when they’re supposed to be mobile and the lower back becomes mobile when it’s supposed to be stable. So we’re mobilizing the hips and then keeping the abs tight and stabilizing the spine. So let’s do a couple more, and this is just creating more mobility and stability so that we can get better results for the next two exercises. All right, so we’re going to roll onto the elbow, making sure we get up properly. We keep our back straight. You should feel loosened up in the hips and the spine just from those two exercises, you should start to feel great. Now we’re gonna move on to a specific exercise. All you need is a chair for this one, and this is called Flossing your nerve. If you have specifically sciatica is impinged and so we want the nerve to break free from that impingement and so the nerve can slide up and down and if we do it enough times in the proper way, it’ll break free of any scar tissue and or any impingement.

The key to this or the caveat to that is while you’re doing it, you might feel more pain, but you should feel relief afterwards. So we’re going to do five reps on the affected side. So let’s say if it was on your left leg, we’re going to sit up posture nice and straight. You’re going to extend your left leg out, and then you’re going to look up and then you’re going to repeat stepping the left leg out. Make sure the toe is pointing at the ceiling. You should start to feel this. Tilt the head back. We’re going to get three more reps. Okay, continue to breathe. Last one.

Okay, Now we’re gonna do the same thing, but tilting the head down. So the opposite side, we’re going to floss. So up, repeat, foot up… Three more, tuck the chin all the way down. Two more.

And the last one, still keeping the posture good. Tuck your chin all the way down and relax. While you did that, if you have sciatica, you might’ve felt more pain. Keep in mind we’re breaking free from that scar tissue so that you’re going to feel better later on. The next thing we’re going to do, the final activity or movement, you’re going to put your feet against the wall. I’m going to use this as a demo. All right, so feet flat against the wall. If you can’t even sit in this position, you’re going to keep your hands behind you and gently walk forward. So this is option one. Option one is here, and then tuck your chin and try to crawl a little bit more forward each time. And now push your forehead down and hold it there for about 10-15 seconds and relax. And now we’re going to do option two. Option two is hands behind the head, tucking the chin and moving from your lower back forward. Take deep breaths in and keep in mind you’re keeping your hands behind your head, pulling your chin down and breathe and hold that for about 10 to 15 seconds. You might feel that all the way down your leg. I don’t have sciatica right now, but I still feel a deep stretch and I can actually feel the sciatic nerve engaged in that process. So if you have an impingement, again, you might feel pain, but we’re looking for relief later on. Remember, if this was your nerve and you had impingement while we do this, it’s going to be moving on the thing that’s impinge so it can cause a little discomfort or more pain. And typically the healing process is that it will get worse before it gets better. I’ll tell you a quick story before we end here. We’ve had numerous clients that have come in here with sciatica and we’ve gone through the program and we always have to reassure them that the pain can intensify before they get better.

One in particular was increasing pain throughout the month of training, but he had some blips of hope and relief and we continued with the program and after about three to four weeks, he no longer had any sciatica pain, which he had for nagging, nagging pain for over 10 years. So keep that in mind. We’re doing short term, more intense pain, possibly, not always the case for longterm relief so your nerve can be broken free from any impingement and any direct root cause of pain. All right. This is Ian Hart. I hope you enjoy and I sincerely hope that you are free from sciatica after continuing with the Relief4Life program.”

Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, author of HEALING HACKS, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.

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