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Beaufort Fitness: How To Prepare Yourself For The Weekend

Beaufort Fitness: How To Prepare Yourself For The Weekend

Happy Friday everybody! Thank you for tuning in. I hope everybody has had an amazing week so far. I hope you’re preparing for the weekend to do something you love with the people you love. And today’s video I’m going to go over really quickly. How do you prepare yourself for the weekend? Maybe you find yourself every weekend, that’s the time that you fall off. That’s the time you feel like you’re gaining the most weight. You’re going back into the gym on Monday 10 pounds heavier. How do you prepare yourself for that? On Monday, I did a video about how to recover from a bad weekend. We’ll talk about the preparation today. So we’re going to go through 3 quick easy steps.

(1) First step is actually to prepare. Look at what you got on the schedule that weekend, maybe you have a big family event coming up where you know that your uncle Bob is going to feed you a bunch of burgers. So, and you just can’t resist uncle Bob’s burgers, right? So prepare for that workout ahead of time. Drink some water, maybe eat a little bit less. I’m not suggesting that you starve yourself so you can eat more. Not that binge restrict mentality, but if you do have a healthier relationship with food, you could incorporate some fasting again, only if you have a healthy relationship with food, then incorporate, you know, if you know, you have a big meal coming up fast a little bit and then eat more calories later, also prepare your meals. If that’s something you really struggle with, a lot of people will do great meal prepping throughout the week. And then when it comes to Friday, all their meals are gone and they just wait until Sunday to start cooking again. It makes the meals there, have them ready, have them ready to go. A little preparation will go a long way. I’m sure you’ve all heard “If you fail to prepare, you’re preparing to fail”. Keep that in mind.

(2) Step number 2, schedule some movement. I track a lot of clients’ steps whether it’s my clients online or here at EarthFIT through my accountability app. I can see it syncs up to things like their Apple watches, Fitbits, things like that. I can see their steps throughout the week and initially, when I take on a client, a lot of times, you’ll see, they’ll have a certain level of steps throughout the week and then the weekend comes and they’ll drop. Sometimes it’s drastic. It’s like six, 7,000 steps. So that’s usually the first first thing I’ll address with them is, Hey, let’s boost our steps up. Let’s boost our movement throughout the weekend. And what will happen a lot of times is, you know, we’ll eat a lot of food, we’ll be on the couch. Football’s on everybody that knows me, knows I love football and we’re sitting down all day. We’re not moving. So schedule a workout, schedule some daily movement, schedule a long walk. A couple long walks is actually the most optimal there. You’re going to want to schedule frequent movement. Okay.

(3) Third thing. Focus on your sleep. A lot of times our sleep is all over the place on the weekends. We’re staying up a little bit later. We’re drinking alcohol before we sleep. So we’re not getting that quality deep sleep that we need to really facilitate recovery and fat burning. So you’re going to want to really just try to prioritize your sleep, you know, go to bed at a reasonable time. I’m not saying you need to go to bed at 7:00 PM, but try to get a full eight hours in and think about your sleep and how that affects you. A lot of times when we’re tired the next day, it will mess with our hunger hormones. So we’ll eat, we’ll make poor nutritional choices. And then after we make those poor nutritional choices, it makes us tired so then we’re sleeping on the couch and then we’re not moving. So focus on your sleep. 


So those are the 3 steps again, to recap, just prepare, go into the weekend. Look at what you got, look at your schedule ahead. If you’ve got a big event coming up, prepare for it. Schedule some movement in step number 2, you want to get out, move just, don’t be a couch potato all the weekend. And step number 3, think about your sleep. That one will probably go the farthest out of all of these, really think about your sleep and you’re going to get great results. Okay. So if you incorporate most of those, you’re going to see great benefit. Thank you for tuning in today. I hope everybody has an amazing weekend. Stay tuned. There’ll be a video on Monday and everybody, stay strong!

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