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Healing Hacks: Interview 5 with Sachin Patel

Ian Hart interviewed Sachin Patel for his book “Healing Hacks” which is all about natural healing techniques and hacks for recovery fast and performance max. He interviews healing hackers who give their most valuable techniques to stimulate the healing process in the body. You can learn more about it when you read the book – Sachin Patel is the founder and owner of The Living Proof Institute, functional doctor and Chiropractor. When he couldn’t find answers through conventional medicine he began to explore functional and lifestyle medicine. He uses this gift to help transform the lives of thousands of people around the world through his organization. Sachin is an advocate for changing the healthcare paradigm and has devoted his life for the betterment of humanity.

All right. We are recording and welcome Sachin to a healing hacks. And for those that don’t know Sachin, we met through a mastermind group genius network. And I’m excited to interview you because you have a ton of knowledge and I’ve got to spend a little bit of time with you and get to hear this, but I also see it on Facebook, which, if you don’t follow him and you’re into health, I would highly recommend following Sachin. So Sachin Patel, he’s the founder and owner of the living proof institute, functional doctor and Chiropractor. So Sachin just give us a little bit of background of kind of how you got into this field and what makes you so passionate. Because I can tell when you see somebody that’s inspired to share health and knowledge, it just kind of radiates off of you and that’s why through your Facebook and just speaking with you, it radiates off you. So how and why are you kind of sending this message out to the world?


Well, first of all, Ian thanks for having me. I appreciate the opportunity to share with your tribe and you know, thanks for allowing me to do what I love so much to do, which is share health information and knowledge and really empower people to live their best life. So that’s really why I feel like I was put on this planet. And I think that anyone who you witness who’s passionate about what they do, I would say somebody who’s found their purpose, which I would say you found your purpose and that’s why you’re so passionate. And that’s why we’ve been having this conversation because we want to share other people who are just as passionate as you are to help you know your tribe and help your community and, you know, help propagate this message as far and wide as possible. So I really appreciate the opportunity to share.

And for those of you that are listening, I think that, you know, I acknowledge you for taking time out of your schedule and you know, I know how busy we all are. So this tells me that if you’re listening to this, that health is a priority for you and not only just basic health, right, but really optimal health or the aspiration to live your best life. So congratulations because you’re part of the right tribe. Cause I know how passionate Ian is and I know a passion of his crew is to really propagate this information and signal into the universe. So, with that being said, you know, just a little bit about me and how I got passionate about this. I’m trained originally as a chiropractor, so I will bleed chiropractic my whole life. It’s really the thing that I would attribute as the greatest gift in my life was chiropractic because it shared with me a framework of looking at the human body as a beautiful instrument and using it as a tool to, to heal itself and also using it as a tool to create a better planet.

And you know, the current medical paradigm of the body is drastically different than that, right? So in Chiropractic, we view the body as this amazing self healing mechanism, with, you know, a little bit of spirituality or a lot of spirituality depending on, you know, what your perspective is. But you know, it’s, it’s amazing what this body is capable of and you know, the medical system, you know, bless its heart, you know, it saved my life, my wife’s life and my son’s life and maybe even your life or someone yearly. So there, there’s definitely a need for that. But I think the paradigm through which you know that system views the body needs to change because if you, the body as the, as the flaw, right? They say that the body’s making the mistake, the body can’t self regulate. But it’s really not that there’s so much more to it, which I know we’re going to get into as this interview progresses.

But you know, so chiropractic is really what gave me that paradigm perspective of what the body is, what it’s capable of and how beautiful it is and how instrumental it is in the healing process. And so I then learned about functional medicine because I was on the news and they did a story about elbow pain. And we were helping people with soft tissue injuries as a sports related chiropractor. And all of a sudden we had 80 people coming into our office with only one of those people actually having elbow pain. The rest of them have chronic health issues but they were just desperate to find help. And through interviewing these people, I realized a couple things. One is that I didn’t have the tools to help them, but I also realize that I didn’t know where to refer them because they already seen every doctor, every specialist that they could.

And so I realized that hey, things happen for a reason. These people came to me into my life at this time for a reason. And I started studying functional medicine at that time and I realized that, hey, I can help these people. It’s within my scope. It’s just not within my training at this time. So I took the training and once you see something, you know, once the, once the brain stretches it can’t shrink again. And so I just saw so much more potential in my ability to contribute into the world. And I love the fact that, you know, I can write one post for example, one hundreds or thousands of people might see it, I could share a video one hundreds or thousands of people might see it and I just love that capability that technology has offered us. And one thing my mom said to me when I was young is that, you know, use your brains more than you use your hands.

And, and so that’s what I like to do now is I like to use my head more than I use my hands because I can, you know, leverage that so much more. You know, if I’m working hands on with people as a chiropractor and there’s nothing wrong with that. We need people doing that, that I can only help one person at a time. And so if I want to help a hundred people, you know, I either in a day it’s going to be hard for me to do that as a chiropractor and provide the level of quality of care that I’d like to, but I can do a video and I can help hundreds of people. So I realized, you know, through a variety of different you know, synchronicities in my life, uh, that this is what I wanted to do. And I just love doing it. I wake up energized every day and excited to share and, and you know, that’s, I could go for hours telling you about my story, but I think that, you know, I hope the passion that I have for this profession, and this knowledge comes through in our interview.



Yeah. So you actually help functional doctors now, right? So you’re reaching like far and wide and, and correct me if I’m wrong because I saw this… do you have an institute now or in Africa as well? Are you helping people out in Africa?


“Yeah. So, you know, the mission is big, right? And the project is huge. And we really want to help people who need the help. So we’ve created a few different elements of our organization. One is, you know, we have clinics, so we help patients in our community and even patients remotely through our clinical services, what we coach healthcare providers. And so this provides them with clinical coaching and mentorship as well as business coaching and mentorship. Because, you know, I truly feel that right now healthcare doesn’t have a, or like natural healthcare, it doesn’t have a solutions issue. It has a marketing issue. So he teach practitioners how to get their message out there, how to use the infrastructure and technology that’s already been built like podcasts and Facebook and Instagram and really propagate their message far and wide. And then, you know, how to turn it into a business because, you know, there, there has to be an enterprise component to this.

And I feel that, you know, if we’re doing a ton of good for people, then we should be making, you know, an equivalent amount of revenue, right? Basically the value that we deliver it to people. And I feel like a lot of healthcare providers, because they’re so beaten down by this model, that every year they get paid less and less and less and more and more is expected of them and their patients get sicker and sicker, right? Not going to work out in the long run, it’s probably going to not work out very well. So we’re trying to create a business model that’s a profitable for the practitioner, which is important because that’s how stay in business. And also something that you know, is producing amazing results for the clinician.

So we’ve been trying to master that and I think we’re, we’re pretty close to being there, but it’s, it’s our way of giving back, right? Is How do we make it so doctors win patients win and then communities win, and of course the practice has to win so it can stay in business and help more people. And then we also build orphanages and hospitals in, under service and are underprivileged communities such as in Entebbe, Uganda. So that, you know, people that don’t have access to any healthcare and now have access to healthcare. So they can start feeling better.”


Awesome. That’s amazing, man.

Thank you.


So, the concept of this interview is healing hacks, right? So it’s like everybody’s talking about biohacking essentially. It’s like what’s the quickest way that we can start to stimulate the healing mechanism in the body? Right? Like you’re a functional doctor. You don’t actually heal anybody. You give them the tools, right? to help them in the process and really they have to want it. So what’s the, what would you say is the foundational principles? Like I find in everything in life, there’s like basic principles that are the structure for success and everything else. So when it comes to healing, what would you say are the foundational principles?


Well, first and foremost, I would say mindset. And so there’s, you know, some key principles to mindset when it comes to health and just life in general. We have not really, many people have not really fully experienced or realized the potential of human, of their own human mind. And what most people don’t realize is that their central nervous system is being hijacked, right? It’s hijacked by advertisers. It’s hijacked by distractions. It’s hijacked by, you know, messages that are not true. Like it’s hijacked by chemicals, chemicals, right? It’s hijacked by food. It’s hijacked by so many different elements. And so if you don’t control your central nervous system, then you actually don’t control your thoughts, right? So whoever controls your mind controls your thoughts and we know thoughts become things. And so if you’re not in control of your nervous system, the person that is, or the entity or the organization or the corporation that is, is going to actually literally be creating your reality for you.

And so it’s important that we understand how powerful the mind is. Sometimes that part gets overlooked and people get stuck in the hardware, but it’s really the software that makes the whole body work better. So if you had an old computer and you took it into a repair shop, they’re not going to start immediately replacing all the hardware on it, right? They’re going to check the software first to make sure, is the software even sending the right message? Is it updated? You know? And by doing that, you’re going to get the hardware working better, not over a period of months or years, but instantaneously the hardware is going to start working better because now that that signal was taking place appropriately. So we’re constantly sending a signal to our body, you know, both consciously and unconsciously. And that determines really the function of ourselves.

Most people, because of their mindset, because of a hijack nervous system, they live in a sympathetic dominant state. And so because of that sympathetic dominance, we’re in a state of fight or flight constantly. Because of that fight or flight state, we actually don’t send blood to the trunk and we send it to our arms and legs. And what this creates is a decrease in blood flow to the vital organs in our trunk, which is the organs that we’re trying to heal. So when people want to detoxify better, well, we don’t just give them nutrients that support detoxification. We actually have to send function by blood flow and proper signaling to that organ. So at rest, for example, you’re sending about 50% of your blood in your body to your kidneys and your liver. So that should tell us how important that organ function is. But when we were sympathetic dominant, which is most of the time than what people are not realizing is you’re only sending 5% of your blood to your liver and kidneys.

And so what that means is there’s a 95% 90% decrease in the function of those organs just by putting people in a, in a sympathetic dominant state. Where does that sympathetic dominance come from? It comes from poor limbic programming. So our amygdala and our limbic brain basically make decisions for us based on our subconscious belief. So what that means is your value system, your belief system, what you believe to be true is going to then impact your physiology without even conscious control. So when information is coming into the brain, it goes into the limbic brain, which is part of our reptilian brain. It’s the decision making engine. And based on our belief systems and values and past experiences, it determines if we’re going to have a stress response or not. So if you’re programmed to think that the situation is stressful, even before you can consciously process what’s happening, you already have a response and that sends a signal right down your spinal cord and tells every cell in your body that we’re under attack.

So change the function of what you were doing. Drop everything you’re doing. We’re under attack. So we’ve got to go in a state of fight or flight. That doesn’t just happen at an organ level. It happens at a cell level and the same blood goes everywhere. So it happens in every single organ and every single cell in your entire body. And then two seconds later your conscious brain actually realizes what’s going on. So most people, if they have control over their conscious mind, they’re always putting out that subconscious fire because that signal is already being sent instantaneously before they can even process it. So if we want to get control of our cellular function and organ function and restore blood flow to the right part of our body that we’re trying to heal, and it’s by actually reprogram the unconscious mind.


So that’s awesome. Like because you know, people are looking for all different options and really it comes down to that basic thing. Now, what would you say is the first step in reprogramming or having control of your central nervous system? Like is there a first step to the process?


Well, it might sound strange, but it’s actually really simple. Go on vacation. So if you go on vacation and you feel better, we know it’s not your body. That’s the problem. We know it’s your environment, what you’re thinking about and the stressors that you’re under. That’s the problem. So when I do my workshops, I ask people, hey, raise your hands if you feel better on vacation. And everyone looks around and like, okay, this guy’s an idiot. Of course I feel better on vacation. But you feel better on vacation because not because your body’s healed, right? Your body is always healing, right? So there’s one word is healed, right? So your body’s in a constantly in a state of healing and repairing and regenerating. But when you go on vacation now, the stressful inputs that were coming in, the demands of work and all these things are now basically gone.

So your body isn’t a parasympathetic dominant state. And when we’re in a parasympathetic dominant state, that’s when the healing takes place. So go on vacation and prove to yourself once and for all that your body can feel better in a very short period of time, given the right circumstances and by eliminating the stressors and then figure out what are those stressors in your life, right? So if you go on vacation and you feel awesome and then it’s Sunday night and you feel like crap again, well it’s probably your job, right? Where are you going to go the next day? I think about how excited you are to go on vacation and then think about how excited you are to go to work, right? For some people that sounds like a ridiculous notion that it’s not possible for us to be excited about work. Well, again, that’s because of what’s programmed into your subconscious mind.

That belief pattern that I should not enjoy my job, that I should always look forward to the weekend that Wednesday is Hump Day. I mean that type of mentality of course is going to create illness and disease because of the pattern that’s built into the cells and we’re into the, into the brain, which then propagates into the cells that creates that reality for you. So, you know, I know you and I believe that it’s possible for us to feel amazing, right? What we love and to, you know, fulfill our passion and earn an income doing it. But most people never realized that because they’re conditioned to think that, you know, suck it up. It’s your job. You don’t have to love it. And I just don’t understand what kind of existence that is. I know what it used to feel like, but I just couldn’t imagine myself any other way at this point without feeling excited about every single moment of every single day.

And yes, there’s ups and downs, but I’m always, there’s always something to look forward to… that thing when you find what you love to do, there’s always something to look forward to. And that changes your physiology. That changes your outlook on life. It changes, you know, you’re, you’re healing status. Like, I mean, if somebody is, if somebody has a cold and they love what they do, I know a lot of entrepreneurs like how long are they sick for? Not Very Long, right? Somebody doesn’t want to go to school or it doesn’t want to go to work. How long are they sick for their sick forever. Right? And they just never get better, right. Because they’re not in that type of environment and there’s, there’s nothing for their body to get healthy for them to look forward, to get healthy for.


So basically what I’m hearing you’re talking about is living from like your soul level or inspiration, whereas people are living from like outside forces that are telling them what they should like or what they should do, or would you say that’s true?


Yeah, absolutely. You know, we live, we live in a state of, you know, nobody, nobody’s really happy these days, right? Because all the advertising, all the marketing is telling us we need to do more and more and more buy more and more and more, which means we have to earn more and more. And most people, what I, what I tell my coaching clients, my doctors that I coach and any business clients that I coach is build a business around your life, not a life around your business. And so most people have it backwards right, their life is you know, an afterthought compared to how they earn a living. And you know, you know, that’s not going to lead anywhere meaningful in the long run. I believe.


And I want to add also to, cause some people might get the wrong perception. You’re talking about a healthy vacation, right? Whereas some people, they take a vacation, then they drink like the whole time and then they need a vacation from their vacation and they come back to even more stress, more healing. Right? They all, they need more of it. So…


Yeah, I mean, vacations ideally, and you know, I’m going to assume that the people listening to this podcast, at least up to this point, are very mature, right. And you know, there are people who are after health and can view vacation as a restorative process. I mean, uh, you can drink anytime of the year, you can drink anytime of the week if you really wanted to right. So when you’re on vacation, make that, make your focus, healing, restoration, regeneration, you know, sleep in, you know, get some sun, you know, just chill out, and if you want to check your email, like I understand that’s I mean, I would check my email every day because I, I would come back and maybe you too, to hundreds of emails and that’s even more stressful to me. So I can knock them out in a few minutes everyday and then I don’t have to worry about it. But find that balance, find what works for you and really get into that flow state and see if you see how much of that you can take back with you.


That’s what I wanted to throw that out there because a lot of, there’s a disconnect just because you’re talking about control of the nervous system. And if there was one thing that took away control of the nervous system, for me in my, and I don’t know what your belief is, but alcohol is a nervous system depressant, right? So when people think, oh, I can go on vacation and then they’re drinking even like four or five drinks a day, they’re actually not getting in control of their nervous system. Right?


Right. Well, absolutely. I mean, somebody else is, has hijacked their nervous system to think, to make them think that this is a good idea in the first place. So it’s that belief system that, hey, I’m on vacation and let me see how much I can destroy my body, heal and repair and regenerate my body. And the question is, what are we trying to escape? Right? I think that, you know, alcohol, especially high consumption of alcohol is usually a coping mechanism of sorts, right? Somebody is coping from some sort of stressor and it’s causing them to depress their nervous systems so they don’t have to deal with these emotions necessarily. And you know, of course, this is why things like, you know, cannabis until now have never been legal. And it’s also why things like psilocybin and LSD aren’t legals because they expand the mind in a way that, you know, is the opposite of alcohol actually.

Right? Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. And you know, some of these other illegal plant medicines actually expand human consciousness. And you know, I would argue that that’s not what our handlers really want right at this moment. Right? I mean the economy, the way it’s set up requires us to be, you know, illiterate when it comes to diet. So we can literate through food illiterate when it comes to finances. So we can be manipulated financially and also illiterate when it comes to health. So we can be manipulated by a disease. I mean those are the three modern forms of slavery. And of course that’s why they don’t teach you any of it in school. It’s people like yourself and myself and other people who are passionate about health. Like us that you know, recognizes, and that’s why we’re educating people best as we can and I truly believe and I know you believe that the doctor of the future is the patient, right? It’s the person, I mean, you’re your own pharmacy, right? The right chemicals and hormones at the right time and the right dose every time, right. Based on, you know, the circumstances that you’re under, you’re your own surgeon or your body’s constantly repairing and regenerating itself. Right? And so, you know, we have this capability that nobody really wants us to know about because if we were able to grow our own food, if we became financially responsible and we became self regulating when it came to our health, our entire economy would crumble. So, you know, it’s kind of sad when you think about it that way, but you know it’s where people are invested. I mean, that’s where the whole stock market is invested, it’s invested in illness and financial destitution.


Would you say that you were enslaved by some of these beliefs at one point in time? Cause I know I was like I, I my sickness, you know, there’s a quote by Rumi it says, the light, the wound is where the light enters you. And so it was my sickness that kind of woke me up from the slavery and the belief systems that I had that were causing this sickness. So can you give a little bit of how you kind of woke up? Cause I would say part of what you’re doing is waking people up. Right? When I see your messages, I’m like, man, that’s exactly in alignment with me. But there’s a lot of people who don’t have that belief, don’t have that feeling. So what, what made you wake up?


You know, that’s a tough question to answer with certainty. I think it’s a series of events. And one of those events was you know, by eight years ago now, before I started my current role or current clinic, the living proof institute, and that was, I was just kind of going through the motions. You know, I thought that, okay, I’m just, I’m going to work, I’m going to make money, I’m going to buy a house. I’m going to do all these things. And then one day, all of that was taken away from me because my employer just, they made some, you know, critically bad decisions and they, they were, they owed me a back pay of over $60,000. So here I was, I had a house, I had a baby, you know, I had a good job, at least on paper. I was, I loved what I was doing and, but I got caught in the trap, right?

And I realized like, wow, this is kind of all by design. And so then I started doing the exact opposite. And I said, I wonder what happens if I do the opposite of this? And, and I started seeing the light, you know, and started listening to books like think and grow rich. I started listening to podcasts, right. I started following people like Bruce Lipton. I just understanding, you know, how our biology works. And one of the biggest influences in my life was Dr. James Chestnut. And you know, some people may not know him. He’s famous in the chiropractic profession. And so he teaches a wellness certification program. And I, as I was leaving my old job as a sports chiropractor, this gentleman, Doctor Rick Yost, who still works at that clinic, and I think he’s taken it over now and very successful, he handed me a CD and he’s like, I know you’re into wellness.

I want you to listen to this. And I listened to that CD over and over and over and over again. And it changed my paradigm. It changed the perspective that I had. And I realized that I had so much more to offer the world. Um, you know, besides what I was doing. And again, there’s nothing wrong with that, that it just wasn’t my calling. And so I realized that I have this potential, just like you do and many of us do thousands and tens of thousands and maybe millions…

…What was that CD?

And it’s, it’s called… Jeez. It’s the science of wellness and it’s Dr. James Chestnut. So I’ll see if I could find you the exact link.

That’d be cool.

Yeah, you can listen to it.


Yeah. So I wanted to ask you about testing because this is a thing that I think like we talk about healing hacks and essentially like what is it that can make people healthy and get them healthy fast. But one of the quickest ways to figure out what they need is through testing, right? And that takes the guess work out.


Yeah, absolutely. So think of it this way. You know, controlling your mind, excuse me, makes you a better driver. Right? So you know, I could take a car that’s in pretty bad shape, but if I’m a good driver, I can get from A to B. But if I’ve got a crappy car and it’s falling apart and I’m a bad driver on top of that, then I’m in big trouble. The, there’s a software component, which is the first thing I would do. So think of a computer. So if a computer’s not working, the first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to try to upgrade the software, right? That’s the mindset. And then the second thing I’m going to do, if that doesn’t work, as I’m going to upgrade the hardware. So the fastest way you know is mindset.

And the second fastest way is identifying blind spots. And it really, it starts with a good history. So our history and our office is 46 pages. It’s very detailed, it’s very thorough. We want to know as much as we can about you so that we could make better decisions and that’s what you’re hiring us to do is help you make better decisions and also get an understanding of where to test you. So based on your history and you know, based on your goals, we’re going to typically run three tests. And we usually do this on every patient because of the value of the information we get. And because it can really catapult us in the right direction pretty quickly. So the first test that we do is called an organic acids test. And that’s a urine test. And what that test will tell us, it’ll tell us about mitochondrial function because healing requires energy.

So we can actually look at the Krebs cycle metabolites to see is this person making energy? Because you know, being healthy requires energy, but healing requires even more energy. So there are who are unhealthy actually need better mitochondrial function because they’re in a deficits. So we need to repair as quickly as possible. And every cell in your body, except red blood cells has mitochondria. So if I can improve mitochondrial function than I can improve the function of every cell. And every cell is made up of organs, or every organ is made up of cells. So now it can improve the function of every organ. Every system is made up of organs. So I can improve the function of every system in the body, just not just, but by changing that one thing. So we can, we can look at the Mitochondria. We can also look at B vitamin status.

So we need B vitamins for mitochondrial function, we need be vitamins for methylation, which is another thing we look at, which is, you know, how well is your body metabolizing, you know, B12 and folic acid and B6, because these are super important nutrients in this energetic process. We also looked at brain chemistry. So we can tell based on somebody’s brain chemistry, you know, what their drivers are, what their motivations are. Like I had a lady, my wife was talking about her the other day. She’s like, it’s so hard to get her motivated. And she listed off a bunch of different symptoms. I’m like, oh, she has a dopamine problem. Within minutes I knew what it was, but when we pulled up her lab results her dopamine levels were low, so it was low dopamine, which, you know, keep in mind that dopamine turns into catecholamines, which are your adrenaline and noradrenaline.

So people with high levels of stress are going to have low levels of dopamine. Low levels of dopamine you’re going to crave certain things… you’re gonna crave sugar, for example. And you’re also gonna have, you’re gonna struggle with motivation, right? You’re going to struggle with getting off of your butt and actually going in exercising, right? And obviously dopamine affects food. And so, by look, by taking a good history and then validating it through testing, we can now actually understand, you know, how to nutritionally support this person. So if somebody has low dopamine, I know I need to give them more tyrosine. And interestingly enough tyrosine is also used for thyroid function. So now their metabolism, their energy, all these things are going to start improving. We also look at oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can tell us, you know, is there damage going on to the DNA? Is there damage going on to the cell membrane? And you know, excessively oxidizing our aging this person, you know, it can also be somewhat predictive for cancer, right? If somebody has high levels of oxidation, then that could be a problem down the road. So we can identify, you know, if that’s a problem. We also look at liver detoxification phase one and two. And we also look at a cebo markers and markers for dysbiosis in the bowel. So there’s nine different sections to this one test. It’s a urine organic acids test.

Wow that’s just the urine test.

Yeah, that’s just the urine test. Yeah so it’s super powerful and that’s why we like it because you know, for a few hundred dollars you can actually find out what’s going on inside of you.


Oh Man, I need to do that one.

Yeah, it’s epic and so you can learn so much about yourself and so that’s why we love that test. The second test that we recommend is a stool test. So you know what happens in your bowel is supposed to stay in your bowel ideally, right? Unless you have something called leaky gut or intestinal hyperpermeability. So digestive system is actually a tube that runs through you. So imagine a garden hose running through you and then imagine that it’s a little sprinkler hose so it has little holes in it. That’s kind of how you would visualize your digestive system. So not everything is absorbed, but only certain sized molecules are absorbed into the actual body. The rest of that actually goes right through you. And so, you know, it’s technically outside of you. And so one of the things we have to realize is what’s going on in there is vital because that’s an interface between your inside world and outside world. So if you’ve got a lot of overgrowth of bacteria, if you’ve got an undergrowth of beneficial bacteria, you know, think of it like a garden, right? We want a beautiful garden down there, you know, not a weed lot. Whereas you know, what we eat matters, how well we digest matters. How well we chew matters. You know, there’s all these different elements to maintaining healthy digestion. But the stool test is going to tell us, you know, what is the status of the microbiome, which is our gut bacteria and represents 70% of our immune function and 90% of the cells in our body. Is there any parasites or is there any yeast overgrowth or is any bacteria overgrowth that is triggering the immune system?


Quick question on the parasites. So from what I’ve read, there’s some parasites that are like, they’re actually denied that they’re real or they won’t even be tested for. Is this like, have you heard of that? I mean there’s parasites that are real that they say aren’t real basically.


Well, I think a lot of times they don’t view them as immediate threats. And you know, keep in mind a lot of parasites are what we call stealth parasites. So they can create symptoms elsewhere in the body. So somebody might, you know, have a parasite and they might not have any GI distress that’s a stealth parasite. They might have joint pain, right? Or they might have an autoimmune disease that’s being triggered by this chronic inflammatory and the immune stressor. We’ll, you know, we look at, we look at parasites and some of them can be symbiotic. So some of them can be beneficial for us and some actually keep our immune system in check because we live in such a sterilized environment, right? If you test the gut of people who live in foreign countries, I think about it this way, like when we, if somebody travels to India and they get traveler’s diarrhea, that people who live locally, are drinking this in moderate, right? They’re actually drinking and eating that food and they seem to do fine. And it’s because they have a balanced ecosystem, right? When you have a hyper sterile, a human being who’s going into a multitude or it’d be (a now? 31:03m) being exposed to a multitude of different pathogens and bacteria and they don’t have a counteractive, you know, biology or microbiome, then they’re going to be in trouble. So you know, so these are the things that we want to identify in these individuals. So in one person it might not be a problem because they’ve got a defense system built into their microbiome. In another person, like let’s say me or you, who lives in a pretty clean environment, is pretty sterile environment, relatively speaking, you’re going to be in trouble. And, and is it the parasite that’s a problem or is it our lack of coping mechanisms or, you know, is it the lack of diversity of their microbiome that’s actually creating the challenge for us?

Or is the innate immune system just so weakened that it can’t overcome the parasite?

Yeah, I mean, think about it this way. If you kept a child in a sterile room and didn’t expose them to anything for a few years and then took them to the mall, they would have no immune system. Right. They would get sick and they will probably die very quickly because they don’t, their body doesn’t know what to do. It’s, it’s, it’s getting all this exposure all at once.

It’s overwhelming.

It’s overwhelming. Exactly.

Yeah. Cool. Well, the next thing I wanted to talk to you about, so kinda finish that, finish that test. Sorry. Sorry about that. Go ahead.


Yeah, that’s okay. I just want to want to make sure that the listeners get the full information. So we look for self inflections, we look at, you know, how well are you digesting your food? We look for bacterial overgrowth and undergrowth, and then we know is there something interfering with your optimal health, you know, parasites and yeast and things like that can rob us of things like iron. So a lot of times when somebody comes in and they, you know, they’re taking iron supplements, they’re eating meat and they’re doing all the right things, but their iron levels aren’t going up. Well, we have to be like, hey, you know, parasites and pathogens and bacteria also need iron and they eat first. So remember food goes through the tube, the bacteria lives inside the tube, so they eat first. And what we typically get is leftovers. Healthy bacteria in your gut is going to create healthy waste products and it’s going to create nutrients for the digestive system.

Unhealthy bacteria is going to create a toxic waste products and that’s going to create, you know, chronic inflammation. So digestive health is vital. And so that’s why we want to look at it. And we can’t necessarily measure that through blood or urine because you know, most of the function is staying within the bowel. So that’s why stool testing is super important. And then the third test is actually a super valuable, in my opinion, because it looks at DNA and it looks at, looks at something called genomics. So we’re not looking at single markers of DNA, we’re looking at entire mosaics and patterns in, in somebody’s DNA. And then we’re able to create, you know, better, you know, we can create customized nutrients for these individuals. We can modify their diet and lifestyle. You know, we can tell them how to dose their vitamin D for example, large Bolus doses or small micro doses throughout the day.

Different things that we can learn from that. And the thing I like about genetic testing, even more so than the other two tests that I mentioned is you only ever have to do at once. So it’s a test that you do once. You never have to do it again. Cause those parameters aren’t necessarily going to change. And you can make, you know, significant. Um, you know, you can make some really important choices about, you know, how you live your life you know, understand your emotional, genomics better, understand your decision making skills and capabilities and understand your detoxification pathways better and also understand your hormone pathways better. So it’s pretty cool what you can learn about yourself and how you can implement that into many different areas of your life. Not just you know, curing or reversing a disease, but really optimizing your function as a human being.


Awesome. That’s actually the question that I had, which is I did a genetics DNA test and it basically told me, hey, you should take more of these tests. So like gave a basic overview. So with the test that you’re talking about actually breakdown, like for example, it said for me like I need to look at (35:01m) and get that evaluated and possibly medical intervention. So I’m like in that process now. So is when you do the genetic testing, is it telling you about all that or do you have to possibly go take other tests to find out more information?


What it’s probably measuring… You really have to look at the whole picture.

So you know, if you have poor for hydroxyzine Metabolism and that’s the type of estrogen that creates problems in terms of like things like breast cancer. The question then above that becomes, you know, how much estrogen are you actually making? Right? And so we want it. We’d want to know that because if you’re not making a lot, if you’re not very androgenic, if you’re not making a lot of androgen hormones, that number might not matter as much. But if you’re somebody who’s, let’s say, turning a ton of your testosterone into estrogen and then it’s pulling in the four hydroxyzine area, then that could be a potential problem. So we’d want to know, like, we’d want to go up the chain and look at the whole, and that’s what genomics is, right? So genetics, looking at just one line of code. Genomics is looking at that whole section of code and and kind of reading the entire chapter, not just looking at one word…


So basically I got to get your test done on myself.


Well, I mean, here’s a thing. I, these are the tests that we recommend to our patients. These are the tests that we have doctors doing on themselves and were blown away when they learn this information. We’ve got a lot of entrepreneurs that are running these labs on themselves because it helps them and their behavioral genomics, you know, my wife and I, for example, we, it really helped us even improve our relationships with each other or relationship with each other. Because what I learned about her is that she’s a slow metabolizer of emotions and I’m a fast metabolizer of emotions, which means that I can let go of things very quickly, whereas she holds onto things and at first it was very frustrating for both of us because she’s like, why aren’t you mad about this? I was like, mad about what? I wouldn’t even know what I was supposed to be mad about. Right. Cause it would just emotionally metabolize it so quickly and I would actually get her fired up and what would get me fired up is why are you so mad about this too? Like I don’t understand. Like I completely let it go. And then when we realize this about each other, you know, we are a little bit more forgiving, right? We, we didn’t take it personally anymore. She’s like, Hey, this is how you’re wired. I get it and you’re not being a jerk. Right? So it can help with optimizing relationships and also your relationship with yourself. So one of the things that I learned about me, and this actually shows up on my organic acids testing as well, but now I understand is genetic versus being a nutrient deficiency we’re toxicity is that I make high amounts of dopamine and I have the highest sensitization to dopamine. So I experience more pleasure than let’s say the average person who makes less dopamine or somebody who has, you know, their receptors site for dopamine doesn’t work as well, they have low density. So two people can go through the same experience and one might experience euphoria while the other might experience very little pleasure, right? And you might not understand like, why is that guy having or girl having a totally different experience than me? I want more of that. Or you know, vice versa. And so when I learned that about myself, that was very helpful, but I also learned, so I’m very driven because of that. I make a ton of dopamine and I get a ton of pleasure out of it. And that’s why I love Facebook because I can post something and I can start getting a response to it and I get those dopamine hits. And for me versus somebody else who doesn’t have that same receptor density, they’re not going to experience the same pleasure as I do. Right? So what helps me in, in a way, because it drives me to put my message out there, right? Because if I got nothing out of it, I would not be driven to do more of it. So you can view it as a good thing or a bad thing depending on…


Well, there’s darkness and light to it, right? People with high dopamine end up with sometimes it’s addicts more often. Right?


Yeah. And so I would say, and Joe Polish talks about this a lot too and one of the things that we’re doing is we’re trying to use this testing to identify who has that predisposition. And one of the things that we learned through genetics is there’s only a slight variation between psychopaths and entrepreneurs. This is why we see a lot of addiction on entrepreneurs, right? Because, because of that. And then the other thing I learned about myself is I have low serotonin production, which means that for me, I, it takes, you know, I never feel that sense of reward and happiness as much as somebody else might. Right? Right. I have to work for it. So when like for example, like if I win an award or if something amazing happens, most people would be like jumping up and down. It would be like out of control, like pandemonium, they’d be throwing parties and stuff and for me I’m like, okay, what’s next?…

Yeah. I’m the same way.


Yeah. So be interesting to see like how you’re wired as well. And that can be something that is beneficial to us because it keeps pushing us, right? It’s like we’re driven and it’s never really good enough, so we’re just going to keep pushing. And so, you know, in certain environments this could be very toxic. But in other environments, when you find your passion and your passion does good for people, I think it can be very rewarding and, and you can have a huge impact from it.


Awesome. Sign me up and probably, I’m assuming my clients that watch this, they’ll be like, all right, sign me up. And this is something that I want for a lot of the clients because you know, I could go that route, but it’s just not what I do. And, you know, I could have the tests here or something like that, but it’s so much easier just for somebody who’s an expert who’s been doing it that just say, hey, listen, connect with Sachin Patel and his company and you can get this done. I’m assuming you, they could just order it and it gets sent to their house. Is this correct?


Yeah, so typically what we do Ian when we work with clients is, we work with them in a case by case capacity. So what that means is that, we want to look at the whole picture, right? Like we want to run all the labs that we mentioned today because we don’t want to like leave something on the table, right? So somebody might, we might identify their genetics, which they were innate and they were born with, but then we also want to make sure like what’s going into the epigenetic signaling, right? So what’s signaling their gut microbiome telling them? What’s signaling is their mindset? you know, telling their genes, what signal is their cellular chemistry receiving, right? So if we send that signal, what is the chemistry of the body going to do? You know, what’s the physiology going to do? So we want to look at the whole picture and that’s really to the client’s benefit, right?

Because if you just have one piece of information and you don’t have the whole picture, then it’s really difficult to piece that person together to help them live their absolute best life. So, you know, we would obviously evaluate on a case by case basis just to see who we can help and how we can help them. And we’re happy to do that for anyone who’s listening to this. We actually have a free service where we, you know, set up a 20 minute call and that allows us to identify what the person’s goals are and you know, really figure out, okay, what’s the best way to allocate your resources and time to make sure that you’re getting the best results possible. Genetic testing is great. Like, you know, I, I spoke at a conference at a men’s conference and we had like everyone, or like everyone there like order the kits. I was like, I brought like, you know, 50 kits with me and there were only like 37 guys there. And we were like, people wanted more, they wanted for their kids, they wanted it for their…

That’s what I’m thinking…

…for their spouses. Like it was, it was gangbusters. And so one of the cool things about genetic testing is, like I said earlier, is you only ever have to do it once. And you know, it’s something that allows you to make important decisions for yourself as well. And, and I just, that’s one of my favorite tests because of that.


So would someone stop taking supplements before they do the test? For example, like if I’m taking a nano glutathione or something and it affects my glutathione markers on the test. So should I just stop taking it before?


Yeah. So typically if you’re going to run the organic acids test, then we suggest that you stop taking supplements anywhere from three days to a week prior. So we can go out in a nice clean baseline for you, unless the goal is for you to continue to take the product, right? So if you say, Hey, I’m never going to stop taking my multivitamin. So test me taking my multivitamin then we can do that as well. So we can identify what are, you know, what are your, what is your baseline? So you can say, Hey, this is my baseline. These are the things I take every day. I want to see what it’s doing for me. And then I want to fill in the blanks you know, if I’m deficient than anything. Or you might say, Hey, I just want a clean slate. And, I’ll stop taking everything for three to seven days and then run the labs and then using that data, you can then actually formulate a custom protocol for you. So now you know what you’re taking based on what your body actually needs because much of something, you know, yes, there might me, there’s nothing toxicity to it, but you know, you’re spending money on something that you may not need and that means you’re also not spending on money on something that you do need.


Gotcha. Awesome. I’m definitely going to do that and I probably will sign my family up for it as well. So the other thing I wanted to talk to you about, which you mentioned before, which is psilocybin and then just in general as mushrooms because, I think both you and I have a passion for these. I know you do because I see your posts and you’re actually, enterprising this I believe. I didn’t get the full picture of what you’re doing. But, yeah, mushrooms have been a game changer for me and there’s an array of them that have been dramatically affecting my life. But, I’d love to hear your, how you came about, you know, getting interested in them and how you use them and what’s your thoughts about mushrooms are…


Mushrooms have the capability and you know, to really solve all of our human challenges that we’ve created. So, you know, our pollution challenges, our nuclear challenges that we have. There’s certain fun guy that can help with that. You know, diesel spills, there is no oyster mushrooms can actually clean up diesel spills. Who would’ve thought, you know, every challenge that we currently face, mushrooms have already created a solution for, which is beautiful. Now, mushrooms is not something we learn about in school. That’s very little coverage of it even in nutritional training. And most people’s understanding of mushrooms are probably limited to, you know, things like truffles and oysters and portobello and shiitake and you know, some of those mushrooms. But there’s actually medicinal mushrooms. And there’s a fine line, right? I believe that any mushroom can be medicinal depending on how you define medicinal.

It’s all in the dosage, right?


Well, it’s in the dosage and it’s in the perspective too, right? If something’s healing your body, then it’s probably medicinal, right? So even with all food, all healthy food I would consider medicinal, but specific mushrooms which are non culinary mushrooms such as, you know, turkey tail such as reishi, such as chaga, such as lion’s mane and cordyceps. You know, people don’t typically eat those mushrooms on a daily basis or put them on their pizza. They’re used medicinally, they tend to be very bitter and in some cases like reishi, so as you know, therapeutic mushrooms. So those five are, are actually my favorite. I take them in a blend of powder blend every day. I also drink a coffee that’s infused with reishi mushrooms and that’s really where my journey started. You know, I started working with this company and you know, they were putting reishi mushroom into coffee. And so that just started the, you know, that just started me down the rabbit hole. Then I started following Paul Stamets’ work. And that was super, super fascinating to me as I’m sure you’re familiar with and your listeners are familiar with. And then I started, you know, I started using a certain medicinal mushrooms and ceremonial mushrooms for just exploring human consciousness and that really blew my mind wide open. And it started, I started looking at the world from a complete different way. I started having more compassion, more empathy and I was able to, really get super dialed in into my purpose and my focus. And you know, it was just an amazing transformative experience for me.

And, you know, we set this up kind of at the top of the hour, you know, these are things that help you regain control of your nervous system. These are things that help you look at the world from a completely different vantage point and perspective. And it’s such a radical difference compared to what the rest of the world is doing that it becomes glaringly obvious. It’s not even a gray line, right… probably attest to… It’s like it’s very black and white. And so you can take a clear stance on how you want to live your life based on these different experiences that you’ve had. And I’ve gotten so many important messages just you know, for myself, that I feel have made me a better human being by going down this rabbit hole. And so I love mushrooms because, you know, there are so many medicinal properties that they have.

We share 50% of our DNA with mushrooms, no coincidence that most of our major organs actually looked like mushrooms brain it looks like lion’s mane. If you look at our liver, it looks like reishi turn it on its side it looks like our kidneys. So there’s no coincidence that there is actually genetic coding in mushrooms and in human beings that overlaps, right? That’s why, you know, different structures in nature look like structures in the body. These are what we call hox genes that we share. And then, you know, there’s, metaphorically, it’s so cool what the mycelium does in the forest, what the mushrooms do with the fruiting bodies do in the forest what spores do and how they can help us. You know the mycelium for example is the nervous system, immune system, digestive system and lungs of the forest.

And it’s the original Internet as we call it. And it’s how the forest shares resources with itself. And so what’s cool about, you know, being the lungs, the immune system, digestive system and nervous system is that, that’s what it heals in us. So there’s coding, there’s, there’s like software coded into, you know, that mycelium that’s similar to what the software is coded into our own bodies. It’s also not a coincidence that when the mycelium turns into the fruiting body, it’s essentially detoxifying the forest. It’s taking hydrocarbons and turning them into carbohydrates. So it’s no wonder something like reishi looks like your liver and your liver is also a detoxification organ, right? So there’s that similarity there and you can see it. It’s all kind of in plain sight when you see turkey tail. Like you know, when you see tree stumps and you see turkey tail growing on that tree, beautiful.

When you think of it metaphorically that hey, this tree stump is going to be dissolved silently, right? And it’s going to be turned into medicine actually for human beings without damaging any of the rest of the forest. So if you think of chemotherapy, I mean, this is what we’re trying to accomplish, right? We’re trying to take that tissue and rotting tissue, that is no longer serving us and we’re trying to safely remove it. And in fact, we’re not just turning it into something that’s toxic and damaging, returning it into medicine, for other species. So it’s kind of our goal, isn’t it, to have a, have a medical system that’s capable of doing this. Imagine we could administer some sort of intervention to somebody that specifically targets the tissues that we no longer need or are no longer serving us and turn them into a higher form, higher vibration of itself and silently, you know, dissolve these problems away.

And that’s what turkey tail does for breast cancer, right? it does that reishi does that as well. And there’s so much research, the showing the benefits of it and what we’re learning and what I’ve learned, we talked about earlier as well as software, is that this is software for your body. It’s not just hardware for your body, it’s software. And that’s why, you know, we could take psilocybin mushrooms and upgrades or mind instantly, right? Right. Which then results in a hardware upgrade down the road. Why we can take something like reishi and you know, it’s the mushroom of spiritual consciousness so we can increase our spiritual connection in almost instantaneously and start feeling better and more enlightened almost instantaneously. So it’s viewed as a software. And so here’s what medicine does, is medicine will identify these ancient mushrooms that have been used medicinally for thousands of years and they’ll, because of the patenting laws, they’ll try to extract certain compounds from the mushroom, isolate them, and use them in research. So what the, what they’re finding is that the whole mushroom works so much better than isolating fragments of it. And it’s just like software, right? So if I take software and I take, you know, 10 lines of software, but there’s a thousand lines of code, that software is not going to run the same for me to even try to think that it will is absolutely ridiculous though…


It’s like a machine where it has to have the working parts all functioning together.


Exactly. Exactly. So it’s, you know, 70% of of drugs actually come from plants and from nature. And what’s really cool about mushrooms is they actually breathe oxygen just like ourselves do. So they’re attacked by the same viruses and bacteria. And that’s why their immune system, when we consume mushrooms, the coding for their immune system is the same coding for our immune system. Because of the oxygen breathing trait. So there’s so much cool things when you think about it. It’s like really, really fascinating and they’re very safe. They’re very accessible, they’re very inexpensive and you know, they’re, they can be grown very easily. So there is actually almost no environmental impact from, from growing them either.


Man, that is profound. Like the way that you just described that and like so eloquently put it. It’s… I hope that the listeners really get an understanding of like how to integrate these into your life and the impact it can have. Because for me, hands down, psilocybin was a life changer. I mean, like it was the way I interact with my family, the way I interact with other people. It completely changed. I had some probably brain damaged from the healing and the sickness that I went through and over toxicity. And I had this whole crazy thing happened to me where it almost took me out. It almost killed me. So I’ve been dealing with that and I know like how my brain was before the issue and after and since I started taking the psilocybin I started to feel like I was getting back to my normal self. So just like you were talking about reprogramming or fixing the software, that’s exactly what I felt, but I’ve never heard it put in those words. So now the, the main goal of this is kind of healing hacks. So if we were talking about mushrooms, how would someone go about using mushrooms as like a way to hack into their software or the hardware of their body? Like, there’s many ways to take it, right?


Yeah. So are you specifically referring to psilocybin or just mushrooms in general?

Mushrooms general or either one. You can break it down.

Yeah. So are you specifically referring to psilocybin or just mushrooms in general? Mushrooms general or either one. You can break it down. Yeah. So I, I feel like if you’re going to take psilocybin, or if you’re going to do a ceremonial journey with psilocybin, then it’s probably best to do it in a, facilitated location. So I don’t know where that is for you. You’ll have to find that out on your own. As you know, currently it’s, it’s not something that is, you know, it’s interesting because you can grow your own and you can buy the spores but you can’t buy them or you can’t sell them. So, you know, and that’s going to change here pretty soon. So for the time being, we’ll leave you to your own devices to find out where you can access it. If you’re going to use medicinal mushrooms such as reishi and chaga and lion’s mane and cordyceps and, turkey tail, then I take it in a form of a powder. So the specific brand I use, can I say it?…

Yeah, please share.


…specific brand I use is called pure harmonics. I’m sorry. It’s called harmonic arts. My apologies. It’s called harmonic arts and they have a five mushroom blend. So it’s a powder. You could add it to soups, you could add it to your smoothie. You could add, I add it to my coffee in the morning. And that gives you a dose of those five different mushrooms, every single…

Harmonic Arts… I’m going to write it down. And so are you… is this something that you’re part of?


No, no, it’s a, it’s a company that we use. So it’s a, it might be available for you to sell in your location as a retailer. So you could retail the products to your clients if you wanted to. And I think that people might be able to buy it online so you know, you can, well you can look into that. We sell it out of our office and that’s how we get it to our patients is by, you know, carrying it in our office on the shelf.

Cool. Yeah. I currently use like four sigmatic but the one based on what I saw from you, I’m going to test out harmonic arts and kind of see from there and maybe share it with the clients. Awesome. Is there anything, I know we’re getting, we’re a little past the hour and I want to be respectful of your time and I appreciate the knowledge that you just shared with everybody. Is there anything that you would say, like if we’re talking about healing hacks, is there anything that people can do right now that would dramatically or just stimulate the healing process that…


So I’ll give it to you. It might take me about three minutes, but I think it’ll be super powerful. So I kind of work with the chakras and the chakras are the seven different energy centers in the body and just really simple things that you can do. So with your root chakra, simple thing is get grounded. So get outside, get your bare feet on the earth, you can get even get your bare hands on the earth. So it depends if you’re gardening or or what not, then that’s fine too. But try to get your bare feet on the earth are bare body on the earth as much as you can. I use the grounding sheets, so I sleep on a grounding sheet every night. So that’s going to get you grounded.

Number two is your sacral chakra. So your sacral Chakra, you know, typically has to do with relationships, has to do with, you know, libido. And you know, virality and things like that. I also find that when people hold on to grudges, then you know, that’s a problem. So, you know, fix all your relationships, whatever relationship you have, you know, let go resolve. You know, that person who did that thing to you five years ago is probably not the same person anymore. And the only location where that same person who they were five years ago exists is in your own mind, right? So, you know, there’s no sense in recreating that if you can let it go and create resolution there.

And the third chakra is your solar plexus that’s going to be your bowel. And so there’s five things that you want to do when it comes to better digestion. First thing is choose the right foods for your body and for your goals. Don’t eat for who you are, for who you want to be. A second one is to chew that food. So chewing your food is super important. It gets your body into a parasympathetic state, but it also breaks open the food so that you can get the nutrition out of the plants that you eat. The next one is to chill. So you want to be in a relaxed, parasympathetic state sitting while you’re eating because we want to send more blood to the gut. If you’re walking around or if you’re stressed out, you’re not sending blood to your digestive system is how you’re going to digest that food. One is to cherish. And so cherish means you don’t have gratitude for that food.

I mean, a lot of hands have to touch that food before ended up on your plate. And the intention that goes into that food sometimes can be questionable, right? but you can put a good intention into it. So, you know, spend a few minutes of gratitude or a few moments of gratitude and that helps you get into a relaxed state. And the last one is to check. So check your bowels every day. Every time you go to the bathroom, just take a quick peek and make sure there’s nothing suspicious. And then at least annually, check your, uh, your bowel with a stool test. So I annually get stool test and my whole family does using those same tests that we talked about earlier today. And so those, those are the five C’s of digestion.

Next one is your heart. So your fourth chakra is your heart, and that’s really following your hearts right. Do you do, do you live in a state of bliss? Do you love what you do? Because if you do, then you’re going to feel passionate about every single morning you’re going to feel excited about every single morning. You’re not going to be dragging yourself out of bed. You’re going to get magnetized out of bed by living in your purpose, right? And then of course a love, right? So we should be empathetic and compassionate and loving towards others, but also loving towards ourself.

And the next one is your throat Chakra. So number five and the thing with your throat Chakra as you want to make sure you’re speaking your truth, your voice, and, and just even, you know, getting energy into that area by speaking, by humming, by chanting, by singing, by saying words like “ohm”, deep breathing. Those are things…”

Stimulate the vagal nerve?

Right so your throat Chakra sits right where your thyroid is and right where your vagal nerve exits the spinal, um, the brainstem so this is an area to stimulate as well.

And then the next one is your sixth chakra, which is your third eye. And so this is where we really tuned into our intuition. And most people, you know, if you’re really tuned in, then you’re going to start listening to intuition. It’s always right, as, as we’ve probably all witness and can attest to. So start getting more in alignment with your intuition.

And the seventh one is your crown. And that’s really, you know, finding a higher purpose and, you know, connecting with a higher frequency or a higher source. Some people call that the universe, some people call it that God, you know, whatever that means to you. Just, I feel that a spiritual connection to a higher source than us, you know, really allows us to live in a better state of being. And, you know, you know, to a certain degree allows us to relegate our problems to somebody else. Right? We’re not holding onto these things. And you know, when you live in a spiritual state, I, I believe it’s a more blissful state for most people. And uh, and so that’s how you can get the seven Chakra is working by making some really, really simple lifestyle changes, and hacks if we want to call them that.


Yeah. And that’s like simple, lowest hanging fruit. Anybody can do that anywhere. Anytime for the most part, right?

Yeah. And it’s all free, right? That’s the thing. Like, you know, what makes our bodies so beautiful is fixing them is usually pretty easy. Nature handles complexity and imagine like your computer, if I had to understand every single nuance of how my computer works to type a letter, then I would probably never do it. But what makes it amazing is that it’s super simple to use, right? So in the same way, and Da Vinci said that the greatest sign of sophistication is simplicity. And so what’s more sophisticated in the human body, which means that what should be more simple to take care of the human body.

Oh man, that’s awesome. Yeah, again, I really appreciate it. How can the people get in contact with you? Like what’s the best way if they wanted to do these tests, uh, what’s the best way to go about doing that?


Yeah. So first things first is if you go to, that’ll take you to kind of our start here page and then I’ll give you a few options. Whether you want to schedule a consultation to speak with somebody, whether you want to join our free 30 day program and, or whether you want to join our online community. So all of those are absolutely free to get your journey started. A lot of people love our 30 day program because it allows them to start doing some of these more low hanging fruits and start at least moving their health in the right direction. I would imagine that somebody who’s listening to this at least this far in might be doing many of those things, but it’s a kind of a gentle reminder… a nudge to make sure that they’re doing those things. If they do want to schedule a consultation with one of our clinicians, then they’re more than welcome to do that. We love working with people who are entrepreneurial people who are, you know, really pursuing their health for the right reasons and really trying to, you know, take it to the next level, right? Not just grab the edge of the pools to prevent themselves from drowning. We’re trying to work with people who are, who are, you know, who are willing to be saved first of all, but then willing to also be pulled out of the pool and then live an extraordinary life. Right? So that’s the person that we’re looking for to work with because that’s what we work best with. Let’s face it, is somebody who’s driven, who’s motivated, who’s, who’s trying to create an inspiring life for themselves and realizes of me, if I can understand myself better, I can make an even bigger impact with what I’m doing. Like we don’t want to fix people so they can sit on the couch the rest of their life. We want to fix people so that they can live in their purpose, in their bliss and really make an impact.


Totally sign me up. I’m definitely going to do those tests because, one, I need them to be honest. Like I need to find out what’s going on inside my body. So anybody listening, if you’re still listening, Sachin Patel sign up (

All right. Awesome. All right, Sachin, thank you for joining us and have a great weekend!

Thank you. You too.


Ian Hart is a Body-Mind Transformation expert, the creator of EarthFIT Training Systems, co-creator of BACK PAIN RELIEF4LIFE, author of HEALING HACKS, and founder of BEAUFORTPERSONALTRAINING.COM and MYBACKPAINCOACH.COM. Ian and his team help people get into optimal shape in the safest, fastest and most effective way possible, using cutting edge science.

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