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Hey, EarthFIT fam, Coach Reid here. Today, I just wanna share a little bit of gratitude with you guys. Something that I’m grateful for each and every day, and hopefully that sparks you to think about what you’re grateful for and what means a lot to you in life. And the one thing I’d like to highlight today is it’s a really big thing. It’s mother earth. So, you know, it’s, it’s our earth, it’s the planet that we live on. It’s what gives us life in the first place, at least in my eyes. So that’s something that I’m immensely grateful for especially when I get out in nature,

that’s when I’m most grateful for it, because it’s really the natural world that gives me that sense of gratitude, that I’m grateful for everything that natural world brings us, whether it brings us food or wood to make these structures that I’m standing in. I’m just grateful that this earth has provided us humans with all these natural resources. And I highly suggest going out and getting into that nature and appreciating it because it’s something that I found a lot of value in. So go out and find out what you’re grateful for. And again, if you can get outside and get in nature, I highly suggest that as well, but enjoy and be grateful for everything we have.

-EarthFIT Coach Reid

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