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How To Do A Single Leg Toe Touch | Exercise Demo

This is the single leg toe touch, very simple exercise here, very effective though. Okay. So what we want to do is we either want to find a box or a step up that you can step up onto, or whether it’s a step. Now let’s say you don’t have anything, any of those… I’m going to show you what to do first, and then I’ll show you what to do if you do have a box. Okay. So Single Leg Step Up to Toe Touch. It’s going to look like this if we don’t have anything, okay. You’ll actually drop down into a, like a reverse lunge here. So you drop one leg back and then you’re going to come up out of that and raise that knee up, keep that knee raised, and then you want to slightly bend and just reach down for your toes. Just like this.

How To Do A Single Leg Toe Touch

How To Do A Single Leg Toe Touch

How To Do A Single Leg Toe Touch

Now let’s say that’s too advanced. You’re falling all over the place, doing that. To regress that, you can find a wall or anything like a countertop that you can grab a hold of, right like this. And you can practice both movements. You can practice going down here, coming up, kind of balancing like that. You can also then practice leaning down just like this kind of walking down the wall there.

Remember when you’re lowering yourself in that movement, it’s actually the hips that are lowering you. So that’s kind of how you could regress that if you didn’t have a step or a step or something like that available to you, or maybe it’s just too difficult for you to do on a step, start out utilizing the ground. And if the ground is still too tough for you, utilize a wall.

Now, how you do it. If you had a box or a step up, or I’ll just use this stability pad here, I would just step up on it. Raise my leg up, try to hold for 3 seconds or so, come down, reaching down here. Again, the same movement come up and do about 3-5 on each side, and then you would switch legs there on that step up. So again, you would step up, raise the leg, come down, just like that, just holding each position there. So that’s a single leg step up to a toe touch. It’s a great exercise for your stability and long-term health.

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