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Visual Cues and Health | Beaufort Nutrition

What’s up EarthFIT fam! This is Eli here. Today we are talking more nutritional tips and tricks, today we’re talking about a really unique and simple topic. The one that is very crucial to your success and that is visual cues and how they can help you push closer to your nutritional goals and your physical goals. So these visual cues they’re everywhere. We see them in grocery stores, we see them in superstores. Oftentimes, we see them on end caps in grocery stores, big yellow sale signs that say for sale, you know, buy two, get one free.

Visual Cues and Health | Beaufort Nutrition

These visual cues are meant to redirect our attention from something onto something else. So how can we use these marketing strategies and things that you know, these corporate offices use in order to catch your attention in order to promote a healthier lifestyle, it starts at home. What does your environment look like?

Most importantly, if you’re going to the grocery store and you’re buying these healthy snacks and you are trying to change around your nutrition, make sure that you are putting these healthy snacks somewhere where they’re easily accessible. I know I’m very guilty of buying fresh strawberries, fresh berries, whatever, and then sliding them to the back of the fridge. They get lost two or three weeks later… Totally forgot that I even have ’em. So use those visual cues, set that food out somewhere where, you know, it’s gonna be, if it’s gonna be in the pantry, make sure that it’s eye level, if it’s a healthy food that you reach for often, make sure that it’s something that you can see regularly. Another cool trick, put it on a counter space. Okay. Put fresh fruit on the counter instead of chips, put cheese and crackers on the counter instead of candy… just little visual cues. 


So when you come home from a long day of work, those healthy snacks are the first things that you see and redirect your attention and remind you of your goals and your focus, how this works for physical activity also after a long day of work, you come home. You’re groggy. You might not have been very physically active that day, but what you can do – set your workout shoes next to the couch, lay your workout clothes over the couch. What will happen is you will find that you come home from work. You see that visual cue and you might think, well, I need, I haven’t gotten very many steps today. Maybe I should pick it up and get some extra steps in. Those are just some very simple tips and tricks, start incorporating them. Find where you put your food, find where you put your workout clothes, pay attention to those visual cues around you guys. And remember, stay healthy, stay strong. Y’all have a great rest of your day.

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