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Squat Series with Jeff Episode 5 | Wall Squat

Nothing beats a squat. Welcome back to coach Jeffrey squat series. This is gonna be video number five. Today. We are gonna be learning how to wall squat. I’m sure a few of you have either done these already in group training, or you’ve probably seen a few people doing these, do these wall squats, take a little bit of pressure off the knees and make sure that we have correct form here, especially for beginners who are just learning how to squat, or maybe we had an injury in the past. Now we’re gonna lineup here with our ball here on our lower back. Make sure our chest is up. We’re still gonna be going down here for 90 degrees. I want you to keep your legs in line and that weight over your ankles. Drive back up. We’re gonna be focusing on our quads here, and we’re gonna be focusing on our glutes.

Squat Series with Jeff Episode 5 | Wall Squat

Now that ball you see, it’s gonna be rolling behind me here. You’re gonna push your weight against it the entire time. No matter how deep you go with that ball, once you push your weight against it, it’s gonna be able to bring you back up. Now we can still stop. Or the goal here is gonna be to get down to 90 degrees. You can go a little bit lower if you’re a little bit more advanced. And another way that we do advance these squats is we grab a little bit of weight here. We can even do a goblet squat there with our weight, and then we can also do our kettlebells on the side.

Squat Series with Jeff Episode 5 | Wall Squat

Now this is probably the most common way that you’ve seen ’em done in our gym. We’ll go ahead and hold ’em by our side here, make sure our chest is up. Shoulders are back still keeping all of our weight in line over our ankles coming right down all the way through, down to the bottom to 90 degrees. And then you’re gonna squeeze those glutes. Come right back up to the top.

Now, once again, y’all this is gonna be our fifth squat series videos for wall squats. This is gonna be one that you see in training. One that we can try out, if you train in one of our group trainings and you wanna try these out just to see how they work. We can definitely do that. Just let me know, but we can always go up and wait there. We won’t have to stop at body weight and we don’t have to stop at just thirties. We can always go up higher now. Thank y’all for tuning in again for squat series, video, number five, be on the lookout for squat series number six.

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