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Power Moves Introduction | Beaufort Fitness

Power Moves Intro

Hey everybody! Coach Jared here. I’m excited to announce that I put together a three part power series. The series does include the three main power movements we do in our training sessions.

Power Moves Intro | Beaufort Fitness

Power Moves Intro | Beaufort Fitness

Power Moves Intro | Beaufort Fitness

The kettlebell swing, kettlebell clean and the dumbbell snatch. Now each of these exercises are great for total body conditioning, as well as developing that posterior chain. Why? Because it’s basically a hip hinge based movement. Yes. You’re gonna use your shoulders. You’re gonna use your arms and those movements, but you want that main source of power to come from those hips. For those of you who have trained with me before where, you know, I’m big on form technique. So in each of these videos, I’m gonna be discussing the common mistakes made with these exercises, and how to correct them. And then I’ll be demonstrating each one with the proper form technique that we just went over. So beyond the look for these videos coming soon, and I’ll have you mastering those power movements in no time.

-EarthFIT Coach Jared

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KettleBell Swing | Power Series