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Chest Stretch | At Home Stretching Series

Chest Stretch | At Home Stretching Series

Hey everybody! Coach Andrew here, coming at you with another amazing at home stretch video. We’re focusing here today – chest and anterior delts anterior shoulder.

Chest Stretch | At Home Stretching Series

Chest Stretch | At Home Stretching Series

This is huge for posture bringing the shoulders down and back. We harp on it in our sessions all of the time, tight chest, tight shoulders cause a lot of pain, even in the lower back, the mid back and the upper back lot of neck issues too as well. I can go on forever, but if we have better posture and better positioning, our joint actions will become a lot easier, a lot better, a lot less painful. So chest, very important to stretch out. 

Chest Stretch | At Home Stretching Series

You’re going to get into a half kneeling position next to a bed or a couch, or even a chair you’re going to hinge at the hips, put your elbow, the closest elbow down on that surface. And you’re going to thoracically rotate, which is rotating upper body-wise outward away from the surface, keeping that elbow on the surface as an anchor so that you can actually stretch that same side chest and shoulder. I’ll show you another side too, as well.

We’re going to hold this for 30 seconds. Hold that stretch for 30 seconds, a maximum of two minutes per side night and day. And you’ll be well on your way for a lot of pain relief and a lot of better posture along with other things. So see you guys.

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